Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Virginity in 17th and 18th Century Poetry Essay examples

Virginity in 17th and 18th Century Poetry Benjamin Franklin once said that there were only two inevitable things in life: death and taxes. He got it half right. They did, in fact, die with pretty regular certainty. However, what was inevitable was sex. Without it, there wouldnt be any new people to die and poor Ben Franklin would have been completely wrong. The only hindrance to this certainty was (and remains) virgins. The realm of the chaste has been explored in poetry throughout time, but never was the subject as thoroughly probed as in the 17th and 18th century. To judge by the poets of the time, one would conclude that--next to dying--the citizens of this era spent most of their time either praising the virtuous, trying to†¦show more content†¦Again, the virtue itself is not exactly being praised so much as being alluded to as a component of something good. The women also had their say. In Katherine Phillipss A Married State(1679), the many advantages of a life of chastity are listed. Phillips says A virgins state is crowned with much content; / Its always happy as its innocent. In addition to innocence, Phillips points out that there are no grouchy husbands, no screaming children and nothing else to distract you from your service to God. In fact, wistful women wishing theyd kept their virginity and wedding vows to themselves wrote many poems in this era. It is a telling social commentary that so many married women would wish themselves back to live a life of chaste penitence than to enter into so-called wedded bliss. The most common theme in virginity poems is that of men trying to get women to change their minds and go to bed with them. Many poets tried to use persuasion on their objects of desire. In Robert Herricks To the Virgins to Make Much of Time, the well-known first line Gather ye rosebuds while ye may appears. This poem is an appeal to virtuous women to use it while theyve got it, per se. In the proud tradition of soldiers who will be sent off tomorrow who just know they arent coming back and hedonists everywhere, Herrick emphasizes that time is short and virgins are wasting their youthsShow MoreRelatedComparing To his Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell and To his Mistress Going to Bed by John Donne1511 Words   |  7 Pagestimes I have compared and contrasted two pieces of love poetry, both of which are exceptionally lyrical and full of intellectual language that bring the poems alive with elaborated metaphors that compare dissimilar things, as they Inare equally, yet somehow individually both metaphysical poems. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Criminal Code And Prostitution - 1566 Words

The Criminal Code and Prostitution in Canada: A Historical Overview Prostitution has always been a topic of contention and controversy in Canada and other counties. Due to various perspectives on how prostitution should be addressed through law, the legal status of prostitution varies from country to country. Prostitution itself has always been legal in Canada, however many activities tied to it have been strategically criminalized by prostitution laws. Canadian prostitution laws have evolved from a once small set of provisions, to a much more complex set of laws that are used to criminalize various prostitution-related activities in an attempt to reduce demand for sexual services (McLaren 1986). The evolution of Canadian prostitution laws have been overseen by numerous governments and committees who have investigated internal and external factors of prostitution to better inform prostitution laws (e.g., the Criminal Code). Sections of Criminal Code used to criminalize prostitution-related activities are a point of speculation for governments, commit tees and interest groups who question whether current prostitution laws are doing enough to deter problems that stem from prostitution-related activities. It has been argued that the â€Å"social and legal framework pertaining to adult prostitution does not effectively prevent and address prostitution, nor does it prevent or address harms to communities†(Lowman 2011, 42). While prostitution remains to be legal activity in Canada,Show MoreRelatedProstitution, Prostitution And The Commercialization Of Sexual Services1467 Words   |  6 PagesPrior to the decision in Canada (Attorney General) v. Bedford, prostitution and the commercialization of sexual services was not illegal; however there were three legislative barriers surrounding prostitution-related acts that implicated sex workers of criminal offences, thus the decision to work safe or risk arrest made their line of work difficult (Durisin, Love , van der Meulen, 2013). Due to public demand and the need to clean street prostitutes, the criminalization of prostitute related activitiesRead MoreProstitution in Canada Essay946 Words   |  4 Pagesan antiquated view on the issue of prostitution—one that prosecutes sex workers instead of those who take advantage of women’s situations and buy sexual services. BY examining the origins of current-day laws concerning prostitution in Canada and looking at European legislation as well as its successes and failures made it is possible to find a middle ground that will suit Canada should it ever decide to change its laws concerning prostitution. While prostitution is technically legal, acts surroundingRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legalized?958 Words   |  4 PagesProstitution is a topic with a lot of controversy. The reason is because it mixes with other themes such as feminism, violence against women, racism, poverty, gender, women’s inequality, trafficking of women, employment, and many more (Armstrong, 1990). Essentially, the topic of prostitution is so extensive and diverse that even until this day, the issue has caused uproar of concerns in all realms of society, in all nations. Yet, if a focus had to be drawn on this examination with prostitutionRead MoreShould Prostitution Laws Be Legal?1304 Words   |  6 PagesMost people morally oppose the profession of prostitution because they consider it to be a taboo. While others believe that it is their right and personal freedom to choose what to do with their life and body. Recently, the debate about how laws should address prostitution legally has become a subject of legislative action. Prostitution itself is not a criminal offence under the Constitution, but there are certain laws under the Criminal Code that discourage it and makes it unlawful. For exampleRead MoreProstitution : A Dangerous And Degrading Profession1209 Words   |  5 PagesThe topic of prostitution has been widely debated across history. While many see working as a prostitute as a viable career option and a right that all legal consenting adults should have, many other see it as a dangerous and degrading profession that creates both a sexualized and crime-breeding environment. The governments of Scotland, the United Kingdom, and the United States have all generally taken stances that address prostitution in strict manner. While the approaches by which the US, the UKRead MoreThe Sexual Exploitation Of Youth1500 Words   |  6 Pages dependant on drugs and involved in prostitution. According to Statistics Canada (2008) at the time of this case, youth aged 12 to 14 were twice as likely to experience sexual violence then that of young adults, this statistic was even higher if the victim is female (Sexual Assault, para. 4). While they were staying with two significantly older men they were involved in sexual activity that was videotaped and photographed. Under s.163.1(2) of the Criminal Code the men were charged for making childRead MoreThe Difference Between Criminal Justice And Criminology1397 Words   |  6 Pagessemester, I have learned a lot about criminology. I have learned the difference between criminal Justice and Criminology. Criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior (Hagan p.453). Criminal Justice on the other hand is the system of law enforcement, involving police, lawyers, courts, and corrections, used for all stages of criminal proceedings and punishment (Criminal justice | Define Criminal justice at It is also seen as the system of practices and institutionsRead MoreProstitution Should Be Illegal in Canada Essay1583 Words   |  7 Pagesactivities inside the world of prostitution. From reading the newspapers to hearing it on the television, we know nothing good ever comes out of prostitution because of the exposure to the risky businesses and dangerous people. Prostitutes engages in a number of dangerous harmful activities such as taking drugs, rape, emotional and physical abuse, and the worst case scenario is death. In this thesis paper, I’ll be discussing the main points and arguments as to why prostitution should have been illegalRead MoreProstitution Article On Prostitution Laws1640 Words   |  7 Pages Prostitution Laws in Canada Karlene Wright November 19, 2014 Prostitution Laws in Canada Introduction Prostitution is considered by many to be the oldest profession. Throughout civilization many society have had to address the issue of prostitution. Canada is a nation renown for promoting the advancement of women in all parts of the world. However, it is a nation guilty of punishing women for the circumstances in which they find themselves. The prostitution laws in Canada showsRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?940 Words   |  4 PagesGovernments in many western countries have tried to change their approach to prostitution management. The governments have attempted to amend laws to deal with the prostitution, but the process has met fierce controversy. In Canada, a role of criminal code in regulating or prohibiting prostitution has been the area of long-standing debate ( Lowman John, 16). The controversial opinions over the prostitution issues have been evident in parliamentary reviews and court challenges launched in this country

Monday, December 9, 2019

Contingency Plan & Its Implementation â€Free Samples For Students

Question: Discuss About The Contingency Plan And Its Implementation? Answer: Introducation Being the Senior Accountant of Big Red Bicycle Pty Ltd., as per the analysis of budget variance report, the following conclusions have been drawn : There is an irregularity in the company as the gross profit ratio is negative in three quarters while it is positive in third quarter (Berman, Knight and Case, 2013). The net profit variance is more than the half in the first quarter but shows a reduction of 31.88% which is still negative and suddenly shows a good % in third quarter, i.e.,52.92% but drastically decreases in the fourth quarter shoeing a negative variance % of 49.84%. Though the income and expenses cannot be accurately determined while preparing budgets, however, it shows an approximate values and 10% fall or excess is acceptable. However, such variations in net profit shows that the problem exists in the internal environment of the company as positive results are being observed in the third quarter but high negative percentages in other quarters along with the fact that variances in expenses are not more than 5% whether positive or negative (Bragg, 2014). After a clear analysis of the internal environment, following observations, that acts as the major problems for such negative results, were made : The major problems lies with the employees working under the company. The employees aren't loyal enough to their jobs leading to unnecessary idle time as well as distraction from their commitment as done in the contract (Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2017). The employees responsible for looking after the basic raw materials necessities just overlooked the wastage of water, materials, electricity, etc. The sale team members were happy about the incentive programs and worked hard in the third quarter. However, due to threatening tone of emails lose their morale and became casual about their jobs and the results of such lost interest could be reflected well in the fourth quarter when compared with the third quarter (Gitman and Zutter, 2012). The training orientations were useful to some but made no difference as such to the entire personnel. The 50% of fixed direct wages were of the short term contracts employees where the contracts have already expired the employees no longer exists. The employees weren't really active and it may be because they didn't feel good about the company's policies and therefore, felt being not a part of business decisions but just mere workers who are to just follow the instructions of the top management. The above stated problems are clearly related to the personnel of the company because of which the company is facing such problems. Employees are the most important assets of the company as without a proper team, no business can prosper. Therefore, a revised contingency plan and a contingency implementation plan is required to be formulated. The contingency plan consists of the activities/strategies to be adopted so as to minimize the risk and reduce the variations as well as steps towards the targeted goals. The targets of the company could be well specified along with the steps to be implemented so as to fulfill such targets : As the economic conditions are going to deteriorate, the sales volume are expected to fall down by 20%. The company can accept a maximum of 10% variations in profits and therefore, a quarterly variation report is to be made to analyze the expenses and income and shortfall of profit variations over 10% so as to formulate required actions to be taken. The implementation of effective training orientation classes so as to boost the confidence and morale values of the employees and instill a feeling of dedication towards their jobs. For this, certain incentives programs are to be established too so as to reward the true efforts and motivate the other employees. Such training classes would be mandatory for the entire personnel to attend as a new approach would be adopted to conduct training processes (Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 2012). Where the management will take such positive steps to encourage the staffing team, on the same hand, it would also implement certain strict actions as stated below It would make warning calls emails to employees that they may not take their fixed wages for granted and therefore, act resentful as and when they wish. Such behaviour would lead to losing of the job at one shot. The employees are not going to be allowed overtime period as such policies makes them casual and thereby, not completing the targets on time. Therefore, the company's ultimate demand from employees is hard-work, loyalty deduction towards the company's goals as that would be benefitting them only later on (Hoyle, Schaefer and Doupnik, 2015). The management would also be asking for employees suggestions and observation reports on a time-to-time basis so as to give them a feeling of belongingness and also, what lower management faces is often overlooked unintentionally by the top management (Ehrhardt and Brigham, 2011). Therefore, it would be a good practice to analyze the issues and the internal environment as a whole. The company would be announcing an increment in commission from 2% to 2.5% so as to encourage sale team members to make more sales in the market as already, the company is expecting a downfall of 20% in its sales volume. Therefore, to control the downfall, it has to encourage its sales members. To compensate for the poor performance of one product, the company is also targeting towards diversifying its range of products so as to improve the performance of the company. Also, the company is thinking of considering the manufacturing overseas so as to take an advantage of reduced costs (Cafferky, 2014). The key to success is the team members working behind to achieve such goals. Therfore, the company, targeting towards success has to first start from itself, i.e.,its internal environment whether it is effective in nature or not and then, jump onto the external markets. The variances in profits could be well visualized from the budget reports and the market conditions, together calls for an urgent requirement of a contingency plan to be implemented so as to save the company from suffering such adverse effects and obligations in the future period of time. The company is set to implement the above stated plans and is looking forward to improve its results and make enough profits as per their set targets. References Berman, K., Knight, J. and Case, J. (2013). Financial intelligence. 1st ed. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business Review Press. Bragg, S. (2014). Corporate cash management. 1st ed. Centennial: Accounting Tools. Brigham, E. and Ehrhardt, M. (2017). Financial management. 1st ed. Boston, MA, USA: Cengage Learning. Cafferky, M. (2014). Breakeven analysis. 1st ed. New York: Business Expert Press Ehrhardt, M. and Brigham, E. (2011). Financial management. 1st ed. Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning. Garrison, R., Noreen, E. and Brewer, P. (2012). Managerial accounting. 1st ed. New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Gitman, L. and Zutter, C. (2012). Principles of managerial finance. 1st ed. England: Pearson Education Limited. Hoyle, J., Schaefer, T. and Doupnik, T. (2015). Advanced accounting. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Nine Stories free essay sample

For those like me who couldnt find any insightful analyses about this collection on the Internet: Youre welcome. I have finally figured out what this is about (I think). So the fancy book club met a couple weeks ago to discuss Nine Stories by JD Salinger. Much despair was had because of our varied and confused insights into Salingers stories. Was Seymour a pedophile? Whats up with the random last line in Just Before the War with the Eskimos? How should we interpret Nine Stories? And although I havent answered most of these questions, I can at least answer the last. So for those of who dont know how to absorb the collection, heres a little solace: All of these short stories are about the loss of innocence and the attempt to gain it back. The characters are stuck between innocence and adulthood. And, interestingly, nearly all of the stories feature an interaction between a child and an adult, the child generally being an ideal or a tool for the adult to regain innocence but not always. We will write a custom essay sample on Nine Stories or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In some, even the child is struggling with the loss of ideals. Seymour Glass is the main character in A Perfect Day for Bananafish, and hes recently returned from the war with mental wounds serious enough to require psychiatric help. The first half of the story shows a telephone conversation between his new wife, Muriel, and her mother. Their discussion revolves around Seymours problems, and when compared to our firsthand experience with those problems we realize how little they grasp and how little either of them has invested in his well-being. In the second part of Bananafish Seymour speaks with a young girl named Sybil about catching (mythical) bananafish a fish whose quest for food leads to its a demise. The encounter is a bit disturbing sexual language abound and we get a feel for Seymours anguish, although specifics are murky. Salinger uses every word to his advantage in a very subtle way and, needless to say, the encounter is quite unsettling. We have that distress confirmed when, at the end of the story, Seymour retires to the hotel room where his wife is sleeping sits next to her, and shoots himself. The significance of the bananafish is, of course, Seymours alignment with it. The fishs quest for food translates to Seymours quest for innocence. His quest, like the fishs, ends in death. Sybil represents Seymours ultimate goal, which is why their interaction is so unnerving. It seems, on the outside, like hes preying on her (like the bananafish does its food), but hes actually after what she represents: innocence. He gets his fill and bloats so that he cant fit back into a world where people like his wife and mother-in-law rule. They are Sybils antithesis, and Seymour is caught between the two different existences. Its in this limbo where Seymour and many of Salingers protagonists in Nine Stories perish. Eloise and Mary Jane are former college roommates who reconnect in Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut (my personal fave). Mary Jane visits Eloise at her house, and thus ensues a night of drunken revelations. Immediately, Eloise appears unhappy to the point of severity, and Mary Jane takes a back seat to Eloises readily apparent issues. We learn that Eloise lost the love of her life in the war (a common villain in Nine Stories) and has resigned herself to a lackluster, unwanted marriage. Shes so unsatisfied with her life and her past that she takes it out on everyone, especially her daughter Ramona who has an imaginary friend symbolic of dreamy innocence and also indicative of a void shes trying to fill (the lack of compassion from her mother). In one poignant scene in Uncle Wiggily, Eloise berates Ramona with incredible rage. In the end after a LOT of alcohol Eloise admits her weakness: transposing her anger onto others. She resents the loss of her first love, resents her loss of innocence, and resents the people who still have it. Its really an agonizing story about lost hope, the recognition of no longer having hope, and the desperation to if nothing else remember what its like to have hope. Shes trapped in a sort of external realm, watching herself, aware of her circumstance, and yet not being capable of moving forward. Just Before the War with the Eskimos is about a frugal young girl, Ginnie, who comes into her friend, Selenas home to collect a cab fare and encounters her brother, Franklin, a grubby Holden Caulfield-type of character. Eskimos really eludes any obvious meaning, but its in there somewhere. Okay, here goes . he larger theme is war. Its the backbone of most of Nine Stories. Franklin was not drafted, because he has a bad heart, and he and Ginnie talk about this briefly, but long enough for Ginnie to connect it with what they are subconsciously discussing: rejection. From the get-go with her demanding to be reimbursed for the cab fare Ginnie appears to be a girl who takes things for granted; she gets everything she wants. Ginnies not deliberately mean, but she doesnt accept things as they are, but rather demands that they be how she wants them and easily dismisses things/people she doesnt care for. She wants to throw the furniture in Selenas home out the window, for example. Then, in walks Franklin, who is boldly himself. Their conversation begins with his rejection from the draft, then moves to his rejection by Ginnies sister, then Ginnies rejection of the sandwich he offers her. Ginnie is connecting with a person who has been rejected his whole life by people like her and the types of institutions that she represents. Unconsciously, Ginnie links her behavior with the behavior of war, and in the end, decides to keep the sandwich a growth in character. The sandwich is sort of symbolic of the rejection Franklin has experienced in the past(his loss of innocence), and it parallels the dead Easter chick (death=death of innocence/hope) in the last line. I may be stretching it, but the story is so tightly wound that its hard to unravel. Ginnie is undoubtedly changed for the better because of her interaction with Franklin. Her taking the sandwich may have given him hope for future acceptance, and he gave Ginnie forgiveness and a little child-like compassion. Eh? The Laughing Man Yeesh. This story is a mind-squeeze if I ever saw one, but I think Ive got it figured out. The premise is that a college-aged guy takes a bunch of young boys on little field trips to the baseball diamond, for example (What are his motives? Where are these boys parents and how do they feel? I dont know, but alas ) During these outings, The Chief as hes called narrates a fable about The Laughing Man, a sort of creepy-roguish-Robin Hood character with a deformed face, a sense of adventure, and an Inspector Clouseau type-of-character after him. The Laughing Man may or may not be narrated by Buddy Glass, a member of Salingers Glass family. The boys-only outine comes to a halt when The Chiefs girlfriend, Mary Hudson, starts tagging along, presumably because of dentists appointments she has in the city. With the entrance of Mary, the Laughing Mans fate takes a turn for the worse. The narrator notices frustration between Mary and The Chief, and in the end, the Laughing Man meets his maker and the boys never see Mary Hudson again. The Laughing Man is primarily a story about los t innocence. The Chief, a college student, spends his afternoons with relatively young boys questionable, but without a doubt, an attempt to sustain his youth. Immediately, with the entrance of Mary Hudson, the narrator senses stress between her and the Chief. The Laughing Man symbolizes boyhood and innocence, and when Mary Hudson arrives, the Laughing Mans fate becomes less certain. Thanks to Wikipedia, a plausible explanation would be that Mary Hudson is pregnant and is actually coming into the city for doctors visits, not dentist appointments. (Who has frequent dentist appointments? ) This is most likely the case, but its irrelevant. The moral of the story and what the Chief is teaching the boys through the Laughing Mans story is that boyhood ends. Innocence ends. Kind of depressing, but there it is, consistent with the rest of Nine Stories. Down at the Dinghy opens with two house servants discussing Lionel, the son of Boo Boo Glass (their employer). (Another Glass appearance woohoo! ) We gather from their conversation that Lionel has a penchant for running away. One of them is also concerned that Lionel will repeat something she said (apparently, he has a penchant for that as well). Thus, after Boo Boo arrives at the house, speaks with the women for a moment, and goes down to the pier to see Lionel, hes trying to sail away. Where the Wild Things Are? anyone? The rest of the story is devoted to Boo Boos attempt to entice Lionel back to shore, as it were. She tries to go with him, tries to find out why hes leaving (one of the house servants called his dad a kike), and then finally challenges him to a race back to the house. (Lionel wins. ) Down at the Dinghy is so understated that it seems like a day-in-the-life. But Salinger isnt a day-in-the-life kinda guy. Soooooooooo . Im gonna squeeze this baby open. Two instances in this story are noticeably darker than the rest: the housekeeper calling Lionels father a kike and Lionel wearing Seymours goggles. Seymour was Boo Boos brother). Now, Lionels problem isnt as shallow as a boy with a penchant for running away. These two instances are more significant than the anatomy of Down at the Dinghy would lead you to believe. This young boy has recently (Im assuming) lost his uncle, and additionally, he believes that other people think poorly of his father. Its a double-blow, and Lionel reacts by ru nning away. What seems like a story about a kid just being a kid, read from this perspective, transforms into a story about a person grappling with the loss of ideals. Lionel is realizing that the world is not as it seems; theres more going on. I believe he feels blindsided. Lionel throwing Seymours goggles into the water is so significant, because hes disposing of distractions from the truth. Finally, Boo Boo coaxes him back into being a kid, distracts him from his disillusionment. So there is Lionel, another of Salingers characters who is straddling the line between innocence and adulthood. For Esme with Love and Squalor is one of Salingers more obvious stories. During the war, Sergeant X recollects his brief but impressionable meeting with Esme, a young girl in a restaurant before the war. Esme is totally simple, thus it doesnt need to be dissected; I dont even need to give you a rundown of their interaction. Basically, Esme represents innocence for Sergeant X during the war, a time of squalor and adult concerns. Innocence and squalor both constitute the sergeants existence. Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes relates a phone call between Lee and Arthur. Arthur believes his wife, Joanie, is having an affair, while were led to believe that the woman with Lee is in fact Joanie. Arthurs life appears to be in shambles (lost a court case, wife cheating on him, etc. , but soon after the two men hang up, Arthur calls Lee back and makes up a story about Joanie coming back home even though shes still with Lee. Arthur is, for all intents and purposes, a man who prides himself on having a trophy job and a trophy wife, two naive ideals. When those ideals are torn down in a sheer act of childish pride Arthur pretends they still exist. This would generally go unnoticed, but is readily apparent to Lee and Joanie, hence why Salinger chose to tell the story through their points of view. De Daumier-Smiths Blue Period is about a pretentious young man (De Daumier) who fakes his way into a professorship at an art school. Once there, he reviews his pupils work and struck by a religious painting by a nun. Thats basically it. De Daumier-Smith is a wayfarer, devoid of spirituality and ideals, extremely pretentious and this piece of art forces him to question his convictions. Blue Period is about a man who pretends to be a complex adult but is stripped of his pretensions through an artist who evokes spirituality and idealism. Teddy is a boy genius/profit who has an existential conversation aboard a ship with Nicholson, a curious grad student. Teddy believes in past lives and karma, and from what I know about Salinger represents his spirituality du jour. Salinger, in every one of his Nine Stories, is painting innocence the protagonist and adulthood the villain but is concerned with those characters torn between the two. Teddy rounds out the collection nicely, because its main character lives and dies by his ideals. Teddy is the martyr of Nine Stories and hes meant to be the example for its characters, readers, and even its author.